Thursday, September 24, 2020

We had a blast making our landforms project!

I think it was really hard for the kids not to dive in and start eating all the goodies, but they did a great job of patiently waiting until everyone was finished.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Working with partners!

We worked with partners for the first time this week and the kiddos really enjoyed it. We went over a few rules, so no one was touching their partners writing utensil or paper. We also wore our mask the entire time and worked with each other less than 15 min. It was a nice change! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Open House Slideshow


Welcome Third Graders and Parents!

I am so excited about our 20-21 school year! I hope you are too! I just wanted to let you know a few things that I normally tell parents at Open House...

Please expect your child to come home with their Purple folder that you received in the cafeteria, every day. You may put notes in there for me or anything that needs to go to the office. Another thing that should come home every night is their planner. The planner will have their homework written, dates for tests, reminders, and spelling words for the week.  

Students will have a Math textbook along with a Reading and Science book. If they ever have homework in those subjects, most likely the textbook will have to go home with them. I know this is something new for them. I check their planners every night, especially at the beginning of the year, to make sure they have everything written down in the correct spot and all textbooks that will be needed. 

Students may bring a snack, please make sure that it is a healthy snack!

This year's theme is the "Fruits of the Spirit." These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. We will be discussing one of these traits each month.

Each student in my class will have their own Chrome Book (YAY!). We will be adding activities and lessons from Google Classroom to our school work each week. 

If you ever need to contact me, please email me. If you would like you can leave your number and I'll call you on my plan time or after school if that easiest or I'll email you back as soon as I can throughout the day. Communication is very important to me, so please don't hesitate to reach out.

I look forward to meeting each of you on Tuesday! May God bless us with a healthy, safe, and productive school year!

Mrs. Shimmens

Monday, May 11, 2020

Wow, what a fun and quick year we had!

This wasn't the ending I was hoping for, I thought we would at least have a couple weeks together, but know that each of you hold a special place in my heart! I hope you all have a safe, healthy and fun summer! Don't forget to continue reading and studying your multiplication/division facts! Oh, and come visit my classroom in the fall! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Reading Counts website

Here is the link for reading counts! If your student does not remember their login please email me and I will send that info to you! You can access this website from 7am- 8pm Monday-Saturday.

The stories in the readers are all quiz stories. Please have your child take those quizzes along with any other quizzes they need to take.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Attached is the plan for instruction. Parents and students I pray you stay healthy and safe during this time!

Dear Families,

As you know we are starting to plan for instruction should we have to cancel classes at St. Peter Interparish School for COVID-19.  We are working with staff to plan classes through a blended learning module of Google Classroom for older grades and take home tasks for other grade levels. 

It will be important to continue working on skills we have learned this year and strengthen them. To do this it will be necessary to work daily on reading, writing, and math. 

·         Reading- please read 3 stories a week out of the Horizons Readers. Each story has questions that go along with them, they are attached.
·         Math- Multiplication, addition and subtraction worksheets. Please try to complete a page a day.
·         Religion- Weekly Children Worship Bulletins that go along with the Sunday gospel reading.
·         Science- Why does the Earth Spin activity

Along with those things please use these resources and ideas:

  • Play board games.

  • Read Everyday! There is a great website called epic! That has lots of great books! See handout for directions to login to our class. Also, check the HMH book expert website to see if books you have at home are in your child’s lexile so they can take Reading Counts quizzes on them when we return.  https://readingcountsbookexpert 

·          We have also attached a class sign in instructions for as a fun way to practice basic facts.

  • Scholastic News has many fun Science and social Studies topics. You can access the magazines and extras for each edition at the following site and use the password PHG7VQM  

If at any time, you need help or ideas or just have questions, please email me! 

Mrs. Cregger
Mrs. Shimmens

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Please STUDY....

Please make sure you are studying the 0-10 Multiplication Facts as well as the location of all 50 States!

Friday, January 31, 2020